Friday, March 8, 2013

Shaman Shabang!

The first Friday of every month is the NY Shamanic Circle Open circle, a communal event to honor the elements, spirit guides, ancestors, ourselves.

All are welcome to join; young and old together sit in a circle around an altar, this one in particular graced with pine cones, fresh flowers, crystals, white candles, and other sacred objects. Personal items may also be placed on the group altar to be charged with good vibes. We begin the ceremony by opening the four directions with a drum, honoring the east, north, west, south, and then to the sky, to mother earth, and lastly the center, to the one heart that connects us all. Clearing the space and our auras is done using sacred herbs like palo santo and sage, sweet aromas cleanse and settle the mind. Rattles made of indigenous seeds and nuts rouse the energy and feed our souls, and on this night we all danced around the altar as the drum continued to beat. The energy was pervasive and smiles amplified from a place of deep authenticity. Even the skeptical could feel the strength of prayer.

After settling back in our individual places we passed around a solo talking stick, calling in our own spirits to the circle, announcing our state of presence. I am here! The first meditative journey to the beat of the drum followed. It is said that the beat of the drum corresponds to the beat of the heart, and by going inward in this manner one can reach the alpha-state of consciousness akin to other forms of deep meditation.

An elemental form of shamanic journey work is to connect with one’s spirit guides, allies, or power animals to receive information. The concept is beautifully simple…it is said that there are three worlds, the lower, middle, and upper world. The middle world is the one we live in (mostly), the upper world the realm of angels, ascended masters, heavenly elements, and the lower domain a place of power animals and ancestors. Personally I am blessed to have a turtle power animal to assist me, in addition to my beloved grandparents, and a late shamanic teacher named Ipupiara from Brazil.

The first journey was to simply connect with/meet one’s ally or power animal in the lower world. We all lay down with our heads toward the altar with closed eyes as a few leaders of the group beat consistently to the drum. Feeling the notion of dropping into the earth, we traveled into the lower world, meeting our guides perhaps intentionally for the first time. Our guides are always with us it seems, it is simply necessary sometimes to take a moment to pause, to quiet our monkey mind, and have a “chat”.

In these journeys deep healing ensues, attachments and fears frequently coming to surface. We share together in the circle following the 8-10 minute journey if divulgence is desired, supporting one another with no judgment. It is understood that if one can speak it, one can heal it…and the gods listen well.

The second journey (performed also to the beat of the drum) was a partner journey where one sat back to back with another; the intention was to ask for guidance for our acquaintance (a task seemingly a bit easier for one doesn’t have to struggle with one’s own ego). I convened with a beautiful sister with the most magnificent black curls and my guides gifted me with information to share, showing me visions of a male adoration and her need to treat herself more kindly. It was spot on she concurred, revealing to me about a new handsome crush and the fact that she has been eating poorly. Her message to me was poignant as well.

The evening ends with us all standing tall, interlacing hands, with one leader drumming to release the directions and spirits that came to join the sacred circle. We all sing “Chungo” three times, a Quechua word that mean “from my heart to your heart”. We are all one. AHO!

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